The Magical Macro world of your Garden

Janice Gill
2 min readMar 17, 2018
Tiny garden the size of a fingertip.

Do you walk through your garden everyday to go out with your camera?

Do you take pictures of the flowers and the wildlife but take less notice of the tiny bustling cities of life on the miniature scale.

There’s something magical about the minute, water droplets become lenses or prisms, bokeh looks like so many fairy lights. A simple patch of moss becomes a garden with an unexpected variety of species.

Lichen with waterdrop.

Lichen looking like alien life springs up from the spiral forms of the moss.

Moist tracts of algae, like land bound seaweed, are punctuated with tiny fruiting spikes in glorious shades of red and green competing in colour with any dogwood. All in the space of a single fingertip.

The droplets of water add a subtle rainbow hue as the light diffracts and also contain miniature versions of world outside, a universe on the surface held together with surface tension so fragile the gentlest touch could dissipate it.

Next time you are walking out through your garden why not linger a while and spot the tiny, overlooked corners.



Janice Gill

Award winning Artist and Photographer still learning and evolving. Blogging the journey.