Ten Epic Resources to Tame Toddlers Temper Tantrums

Janice Gill
3 min readOct 30, 2022
Photograph by the Author

Every parent knows this situation. The terrible twos can make life feel as though you are moving from one dramatic disaster to the next. A headlong charge to skyrocketing stress and bruising battles with a tiny tyrant.

These 10 resources will get you back in control and help you teach the behaviour your child needs to know.

Super Strategies to Banish Bad Behaviour

  1. Raising Children is a comprehensive site for guidance with all aspects of raising children. The toddler section includes the kind of unwanted behaviours common to young children and helps you develop the skills to combat them.
  2. The NSPCC is a hugely respected organisation in the UK. Their leaflet on Positive Parenting can be downloaded and printed and includes space to add your own successful strategies or hints and tips from other parents.
  3. Straight forward guidance from a Family Man. The information and strategies are backed by experts in the field with key information on the power of attachment and discipline.
  4. This bite size piece helps keep you on track as you try out strategies with your child. As part of the help available on the NHS website, you know it’s advice you can trust.
  5. With a specific section on tantrums



Janice Gill

Award winning Artist and Photographer still learning and evolving. Blogging the journey.